Ronen has an extensive business experience in management, sales, marketing, product development, Legal and many other business aspects needed for a new business or a Start-up. He gain this experience working for large global enterprises such as Microsoft, IBM, Orange and Price Waterhouse Coopers and for his personal experience as entrepreneur.
Ronen brings to small & medium businesses and Start-us the knowledge of how things are done in global companies but also how to do things creatively and in low budget, like start-ups does.
Ronen can assist businesses and start-ups to:
Create business plans and select business model
Create marketing and sales plans
Create Financial plans
Create investor's Presentation
Plan and develop distribution-channels
Connection to Investors and assisting with applying for Israeli Innovation Authority's grants
The future of your company is dependent upon it staying relevant. In this day and age, that means that new, innovative products must keep pace with the marketplace. Product development lifecycle times are becoming shorter and shorter to keep up with customer’s expectations and needs. While perhaps daunting, a short lifecycle can optimize your company’s strengths by tightening processes and cutting out extra steps.
Trough his career, Ronen has worked almost in every role along the product development's chain starting as a software engineer, system analyst, software architecture, product marketing and VP R&D.
With his extensive technical and product background, Ronen can help you or your company to design, build and release your product faster and quicker with less risk.
If you don't have an R&D organisation, Ronen will be happy to help you choose an off-shore R&D company and manage the development process for you.
OUR senior IT consultants will be happy to share their extensive technical knowledge with your organisation and help you with:
Compare and select future technologies for your organisation
Software and Service Architecture
Integration and Process Management
Write and reply to technology tenders
We design and build websites for the self-employed and small companies, and assists them in promoting their business.
Thanks of our extensive experience in marketing and digital marketing, we will offer you an advanced design and build a website that takes into consideration all aspects of digital marketing, Search Engine Optimisation and use of Social Networks.
With our innovative method, you'll get your website faster and you will be able to maintain it and publish your own publications by your-self and save a lot of money paying someone to maintain your website, or on fraud detection services. and other fees usually paid in other to maintain your website.
From our experience, many small business owners find it difficult to define and decide what to write on their website and how to emphasis their business value over the competition. We will be happy to help you formulate your content or translate it to other languages.
The service is provided by Inbar-Digital (www.inbar-digital.co.il)